Construction projects generate enormous and complex sets of documentation and communications. Effectively managing this vast amount of information to ensure that it is accurate and available to the appropriate members of the project is a complex yet essential task. Poor or missing information can lead to project delays, risk-prone and costly decisions, or even the […]
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There are very few industries that escape the regulatory grasp of the US federal government, EU agencies or other respective regulatory authorities. Compliance typically revolves around external communications with customers and regulatory agencies, and communications must be done in a very specific format. Companies that employ a correspondence management system for capturing and tracking incoming […]
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The overwhelming amount of business correspondence exchanged on a daily basis poses variety of management challenges. Due to the multiple forms that correspondence takes place in a typical business setting from paper documents, letters, emails, electronic documents, fax and web content manually dealing with incoming and outgoing correspondence leads to higher processing time, inefficient information […]
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In any business, the interchange of ideas and information related to projects is at the heart of successful collaboration. As a project proceeds, communication between the participants takes place within various technical, commercial and other management related groups. Project correspondence is typically divided into three levels. The first level is routine, formalised correspondence, such as […]
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In any business, the interchange of ideas and information related to projects is at the heart of successful collaboration. As a project proceeds, communication between the participants takes place within various technical, commercial and other management related groups. Project correspondence is typically divided into three levels. The first level is routine, formalised correspondence, such as […]
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Consider your day-to-day business interactions - all the emails you sent, documents you share and any type of business information you exchange between colleagues, customers or third parties - all these activities falls under the umbrella of business correspondence. As any other complex process within a business or governmental establishment, business correspondence requires proper management. […]
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Managing project correspondence can be a real challenge. We all know that sinking feeling when you’re looking for an email containing vital information. It’s there somewhere in your inbox, but so are thousands of other emails. You search, try various different keywords, then spend the next half hour scanning through the dozens of emails that […]
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As of May 2018, every organization public or private, large or small operating within the EU or having any business affiliations with members of the union, will be subject to a fine of up to 4% of its worldwide turnover if they fail to comply with the upcoming General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). With an […]
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Try and picture a world where operating procedures don't exist. A world where car manufacturers don't have standardized procedures for quality assurance and maintenance crews don't follow strict checklists when inspecting an aircraft. You wouldn't want to ride that car, nor be a passenger on that plane, right? Yet this is the reality of many […]
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In our last post we looked at reasons for migrating to electronic correspondence management. This time we focus on some of the capabilities required within a good correspondence management platform. The ability to effectively capture, track and manage various types of enterprise correspondence is what defines good correspondence management practice and its associated solutions. Correspondence management […]
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